The Philadelphia Story

I generally like Katherine Hepburn, James Stewart, and Cary Grant but I found them all grating in this story. Stewart relies a bit too much on his jovial, street smart persona and his mannerisms which might have been appropriate for the stage are excessive on screen. Hepburn lacks empathy and is not relate-able (even for a rich girl); I simply don't understand how all three male leads would fall in love with her. Cary Grant just seem smug. I find it odd that instead of having Hepburn's Samantha Lord chose the rich man over the self made man or the poor(ish) writer; the rich girl choosing the rich boy doesn't show particular depth on either of their parts and my guess is a return to alcoholism and philandering on both their parts within a few months of remarriage.
Labels: Cary Grant, James Stewart, Katherine Hepburn, The Philadelphia Story, three stars