The Amateur Film Critic

A blog about films.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Duck Soup

The first Marx brothers film I've ever watched and I wish it was the last, but Night at the Opera is also on the list. I can't tell if this was supposed to be a musical or slap stick--it did a pretty poor job of being either. It was intriguing to see the original mimed mirror sequence but the rest of the film was pretty absurd and painful to watch, particularly the scenes with the lemonade vendor.

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Not much to say, the acting was stilted all around. Alan Ladd just walked around looking smug while Jean Arthur made glanced pensively out the window a lot. I did enjoy the stereotyped Norwegian homesteader family. Some sweeping shots, but nowhere near as beautiful anything David Lean or The Searchers. My nightmares are filled with the sound of the son yelling Shane.

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