
I like Dustin Hoffman, but this movie just didn't impress me. It feels very dated. I know, I know, yes it's a movie from the 1980's about women in the workplace, so by nature it should feel dated, but I recently watched Nine to Five (also with Dabney Coleman in another role as a 'sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical, bigot' boss-type role), and that felt much more relevant, and at the very least was still humorous. Jessica Lange was good, but I don't know that she deserved the Best Supporting Actress Oscar, there wasn't much depth and growth to the character. On a side note, Lange was also nominated for the Best Actress Oscar for Frances that year as well, but did not win (Meryl did for the forgettable Sophie's Choice). Overall, I just felt it was bland.
Labels: dabney coleman, Dustin Hoffman, jessica lange, three stars, tootsie
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